A List Books and Authors of Ancient India:
Writers / Composers | Scriptures |
Shusrut | Shuahruta Samhita |
Panini | Ashtadhyaee |
Vishnusharma | Panchtantra |
Patanjali | Yogasutra, Mahavasma |
Kautlya | Arthshastra |
Ashwaghosa | Buddha Charita |
Manu | Manusmriti |
Hala | Gahasattasai (an anthology of poems) |
Vatsayan | Kamasutra |
Charak | Charak Samhita, Charak Sasruta |
Vishakhdatta | Devichandraguptam, Mudrarakshas |
Varahmihir | Suryasiddhanta |
Sudraka | Mrichchakatikam |
Banbhatta | Harshacharita |
Mahedravarman | Mattavilas Prahasan |
Dandin | Kavyadarsha, Avantisundari, Daskumarcharit |
Vakpati | Gaudavo |
Bilhan | Vikramanka Devcharit |
Kalhan | Rajtarangini |
Megasthinis | Indica |
Harshavardhan | Nagananda, Ratnavali, Priyadarshika |
Bharat | Nayashastra |
Somdeva | Kathasaritsagar |
Vas | Swapnabasabdatta |
Amarsimha | Amarkosha |
Bhadrabahu | Kalpasutra |
Varavi | Kiratarjuniyam |
Rajshekhar | Kathavastu |
Parsian Wars | Herodotus |
Note: It is believed that the Mahabharata was composed by Ganesh, the Hindu god of wisdom, and described by Vyasdev.
Some Renowned Writers and their Works:
1. Varahmihir –
Panchasiddhantika. (Pancha Siddhanta) – meaning – Treatise on Five Astronomical Canons.
The Panchasiddhantikas are –
- Surya Siddhanta,
- Romaka Siddhanta,
- Paulisa Sinddhanta,
- Vasishth Siddhanta,
- Pitamaha Siddhanta.
The Surya Siddhanta describes rules to calculate the motions of various planets, and the moon relative to various constellations.
It also describes diameters of planets and orbits of various astronomical bodies.
The word Romaka Siddhanta (means "The Doctrine of the Romans") is only one of the Indian astronomical works based on the tropical system.
The Paulisa Siddhanta ("The Scientific treatise of Paulisa Muni") is an astronomical treatise based on western source.
The Vasishtha Siddhanta is attributed to the monk Vasishtha.
The Pitamaha Siddhanta is also known as Brahma Siddhanta.
2. Adishankar –
- Vivekkudamini,
- Upadesh Sahasri,
- Shatasloki,
- Dashsloki,
- Eksloki,
- Panchikaran,
- Atmabodha,
- Aparokshanubhuti,
- Nirvana Satkam,
- Yatipanchakam (a commentary on Vedic texts).
3. Bhaskar II –
- Siddhant Shiromani,
- Leelavati,
- Vijganit,
- Gola Adhyaya,
- Grihaganitam,
- Karun Kautuhala
— All of them deal with Mathematics.
4. Jimutvahan –
Jimutvahan’s works include –
- Dayavaga,
- Kalvivek,
- Nayaratnamatrika.
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