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Conjunction and Interjection

A part of speech is any single word in a sentence. 
The parts of speech can be divided into eight parts:-
  1. Noun,
  2. Pronoun,
  3. Adjective,
  4. Verb,
  5. Adverb,
  6. Preposition,
  7. Conjunction,
  8. Interjection.

What is Conjunction?

A conjunction is a word that primarily joins words or groups of words or clauses.

I or my brother will be present at the ceremony. (The conjunction or joins two words here.)

The army stopped and started retreating. (The conjunction and joins two clauses or group of words here.)

These conjunctions are also known as link words or linkers.

Conjunctions can be classified as —

 #1.  Co-ordinating Conjunction, and 

 #2.  Subordinating Conjunction.

 #1.  Co-ordinating Conjunctions:

Co-ordinating Conjunctions are also known as coordinators. A co-ordinating conjunction joins two independent statements or clauses of equal syntactic importance.
Some of the Co-ordinating Conjunctions are— and, or, nor, but, yet, for, so, also, as well as etc.
  • The boy goes to the shop and buys candles.
  • The girl sings or she dances.
  • The girl does not sing nor does she dance.
  • Rakesh could not attend the meeting for he was ill.
  • They played the match but could not win.
  • He sings well yet she did not qualify.
  • I was ill so I could not attend the meeting.
  • The teachers as well as students were present in the field.

 #1.  Subordinating Conjunctions:

Subordinating Conjunctions are also known as subordinators. A subordinating Conjunction joins two statements or clauses, one of which can not make sense independently, it can make sense only after it joins the other. In other words, one of the clauses depends on the other for the complete meaning.

Some of the subordinating Conjunctions are –

After, before, every time, if, although, because, as far as, as long as, as soon as, as if, as though, even if, even though, when, whenever, however, where, whereas, wherever, while, whether, unless, until, as, so, since etc.

  • We use umbrella when it rains.
  • I shall work hard until I get a job.
  • I will fain unless I work hard.
  • It is raining since 9 o’clock.
  • I told her that she had appeared in the examination.

There is another type of conjunction known as –

Correlative Conjunctions:

These are actually some pair of words, used as conjunctions -

 Either...or — 

Either Kamal or his brother is standing there.

 Neither...nor — 

Neither the police nor the administrators were able to control the rioters.

 Not only...but also — 

Mohan is not only a good player but also a brilliant student.

 No sooner...than — 

No sooner did Manisha enter the park, than she saw beautiful flowers.

 Both...and — 

Both the Hockey team and the Cricket team are doing well.

 Rather...than — 

It is rather water than milk.

 Whether...or — 

I don’t know whether he is right or wrong. — 

It is as light as a feather.

 The...the — 

The sooner, the better.


Just as many people support Cricket, so many people support Hockey.


What is an Interjection?

The word, that expresses a sudden and strong feeling or emotion of a person, is called Interjection.

 Every exclamatory sentence has an interjection, which is followed by an exclamation mark (‘!’). An interjection is actually a natural ejaculation caused by a strong feeling or emotion, surprise, joy, sorrow, or approval.

Interjections can express —
Surpriseah, hello.
Joyhurrah, hey.
Sorrowalas, oh.

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